Impact academy for young professionals

The Partnership Academy offers companies the opportunity to evolve, inspire and educate their young professionals. In a way that gives immediate impact. We educate and support teams of eager professionals in creating a social and ecological micro- revolution. Not by walking the old paths, but by activating their power of creation and the power of acting.

Starting at the Kick-Off each team is supported during 8 months till the final event in April. Speakers, coaches and experts are thrilled to give their guidance. At the end of the year, the teams – from different companies – launch their cases on stage. All the teams get rewarded for their accomplishments. The winning team will get an award and seed capital.

Speakers, coaches, trainers

We invite innovative, creative. impact makers such as Ikenna Azuike (Documentary Maker), Justien Marseille (Futurist, founder Future Institute), Jan Peter Balkenende (Former Prime Minister), Michel Scholte (founder Impact Institute), Silvia de Vaan (Founder Sweepsmart), Rob van Tulder (Business Professor Rotterdam School of Management), Freke van Nimwegen (Founder In-Stock), Wineke Haagsma (Head Corporate Responsibility PwC Nederland), Robin van Dalen (Oprichter Inuka), former participants as Mirwais Momand (Founder Mido Dairy).

Collective impact in 9 years

Organisations involved
0 +
Leaders participated
0 +
Experts involved
0 +
Future visions created
0 +
Micro revolutions launched
0 +

aftermovie kick-off Event

aftermovie Final Event

who we work with